
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Life Weighing You Down?

My best friend teases me sometimes because I had a run in with a crazy squirrel once.  The little fellow wasn't carrying weights like this guy, but MY wild squirrel wouldn't let me out of my own house.  He would sit, watching my back door until I opened it and would then charge it like a bull...chattering away in squirrel language about whatever issue he was having with me at the time!  This went on for days and then suddenly he was gone.  It was a time when my days were weighed down by one angry squirrel.

Then there are times when we feel the weight of our obligations and daily struggles are simply too much for us to bear. We think if one more person asks a favor of us, our cart will tip skywards and we will be left dangling in frustration. Writers get like that sometimes.  I have discovered this past year that it isn't as simple as saying to oneself, "I'm going to write a picture book", or "I'll be published by Christmas".  It takes time and the struggles can be overwhelming if we let it.  I have also discovered three simple steps we all can take to prevent overloading that cart...

Step One...Relax.  Take a chill pill.  Like the song goes, "Don't Worry, Be Happy".  Writing should bring you joy.  While I do have my dream of hopefully becoming a published author one day,  right now I write for the pure joy of fills my need to share a bit of myself with the world and THAT makes me very happy.

Step Two...Take some time out to read a good book.  I like reading everything from children's books to classics.  From self-help to non-fiction and everything in between.  Sometimes burying yourself in a fascinating story allows you to forget about the day's stressful events for a few moments and allows you to simply be.

Step Three...Have some fun!  We are only given one lifetime so why not enjoy it to the fullest?  Don't worry if you might look silly...just get out there and try something new.  You never know what a great time you might have until you take that first step.  Pretty soon you will realize the things you thought were weighing you down were actually helping to lift you up into becoming a stronger person.  And THAT is what living is all about.  Just remember one thing, though.

Everything isn't always what it appears...


  1. I like that frog. I think he is taking your advice and is just enjoying the day.

    1. Hi Janet! I LOVE my little froggie friend! MY only problem is that I would be too nervous to be able to relax on that lily pad like he is doing...I can't swim! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Thankyou Donna! I must have mentioned something to you Anyway taking your advice I am off taking Mum to a country market day today. Hows that for chilling out!

    1. Hi Diane! Everyone needs some time off for just fun! I hope you and your mom have a wonderful time at the market...boy, I sure love going to those things! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Beth! Thank you ...I'm glad you liked it. It's a reminder to myself as much as anyone else to take the time to do those three steps whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed with life...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. This is very sound advice. It's easy to get so caught up in setting goals and other things, that we forget to enjoy writing.

    1. Hi Nick! I agree...I'm all about goal setting and staying organized but sometimes we just need to stop and remember exactly why we started writing in the first place...for the simple joy of it...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Love it. Thanks for sharing. Awesome pics!!

    1. Hi Kim and welcome to my blog! I love the challenge of discovering cool pictures and then creating a post around them...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Great post, Donna. Thanks for the super advice!

    1. Hi Catherine and welcome to my blog! Thank you for your kind words. If you get a chance, take a few minutes and check out some of my other posts including my Friday installments of my four stories...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Squirrels were a problem here and I used to catch them. It is remarkably easy to catch a squirrel all you have to do you is climb a tree and act like a nut.

    1. Hi JP! I should know by now to expect the unexpected from you! Here I was thinking you were going to give me a great tip on how to catch a squirrel or even maybe some kind of squirrel stew recipe and make me laugh....thank you! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. JP, I was waiting to read how to catch a squirrel. I'm already a nut.

  9. lol! This is a very cute post! It lifted my mood for the day. Thank you! :)

    1. Awww, Becky, life getting to you today? Don't let it! Laugh in the face of frustration and know that you are much stronger than you may think and other may realize! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
