
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Getting Lost In The Maze

Most of you know that I have returned to my writer roots after a twenty year hiatus.  The reasons which kept me silent all these years no longer exist...or maybe I just came to my senses.  Whatever the reason, I can no longer deny that writing is deeply ingrained in my spirit.  But that doesn't mean it's easy, nor does it mean that what I THINK I want and what I will GET are the same thing.  Being a writer involves all the twists and turns of a tricky maze and it's easy enough to get lost.

So far, this past year has taught me three things:

1.  I'm going to make mistakes in my writing and I have to give myself permission to accept the fact that I am not perfect, no matter how much I might wish it so.  Perfectionists are their own worse critics and if I try to judge my writing efforts by my own standards then NOTHING of mine would ever get published.  I have discovered critique groups, review groups like Rate Your Story and beta readers who provide honest, unbiased critiques help me to grow as a writer and allow me to see my work through another's eyes.

2.  There will be times when I come to a dead end with my writing,  but that doesn't mean it is the end of ME as a writer. Many of you knew from my Facebook posts yesterday that I was contemplating going into debt in order to attend a writer's conference.  People expressed their opinion and insight while trying to help me make an informed decision. There was even one beautiful spirit who sought to council me individually so that I could be prepared should I decide to attend.  My decision to skip the conference was due, in part, to that person's wisdom.  I'm simply not ready for that level...yet...and I feel it would do more harm than good to force the issue.  Sometimes dead ends are there for a reason and we shouldn't always presume it is a negative one.  In my case, it was a wake up call that I need to have a shift in direction or focus as I continue to grow as a writer.

3.  There are no cheat sheets on how to become a published author.  That writing maze is twisty and at times confusing.  Rest assured there will be days when you just KNOW you have gotten turned around and you will even wonder what makes you think YOU could ever write something a publisher would ever want to acquire.  I can promise you this.  THAT is NEVER the time to make life changing decisions about whether to continue pursuing writing or not. When you feel like that reach out to other writers in this wonderful writing community.  Vent. Rant. Cry.  But NEVER stop because if you've come this far then sure as I'm sitting here writing this...YOU, MY FRIEND, ARE A WRITER!

One day, probably when you least expect it, all those twists and turns along that path to publication will finally lead you to the center of that maze and you will thank your lucky stars that you didn't stop...that you never gave up on your dream.  Oh yeah, when you think back to when you first started writing you will see that your dream has changed, but your writing voice had time to mature and your writing spirit has now become strong enough to overcome ANY hurdle which lies between you and publication.

And who knows what beauty you might uncover along the way?


  1. To quote my mother, "That's the old hop-hop, zip-zip!"

    1. Hi Beth! I'm starting to believe that your mother must have been an interesting person!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. Hope you realize that what I meant was it was good to hear you putting a positive spin on all this!

    3. That's how I roll...;0) catch me immediately after a stressful moment in my life and you will see the struggle to accept the unexpected but then I usually bounce back on my feet pretty quickly! Just call me

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Hi Donna - probably wise, sometimes hanging fire is easier than forging ahead with no path prepared. I'm sure the right 'conference' will turn up at the right time .. in the meantime keep on writing .. short stories, tales from afar, etc etc .. Good luck - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary! The wisdom came from a author friend of mine who showed me areas I needed to work on...I have no problem with working hard to achieve a goal and I will be forever grateful to their comments at a time when I needed it most!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Negotiating the maze can be brutal, but it makes the victory that much sweeter.

    1. Hi Genevieve! I agree...I just wish I wasn't so "directionally challenged"! Lol...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. One of the best things about the writing community is that we all "get it" - we understand the ups and downs, the joys and frustrations, because we all experience them. It's wonderful to have such people to turn to for venting, ranting, and crying... and also to shout to from the rooftops when you get that request for a full ms, land that agent, sign that contract :) We're in it together.

    1. Hi Susanna! I know, isn't it amazing? I never expected so much support when I first joined this community and to know there will always be people who understand, who I can turn to with questions...and for whom I can do the "happy dance" in their honor to help celebrate THEIR so cool!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. I suppose I am fortunate in the respect my journey began with no expectations. Having no desire or aspirations to become a writer I was blissfully ignorant of the associated trials and tribulations. I didn't want to write I just wanted to tell a story. The pen (or more often the keyboard) became the medium, simply a tool to facilitate the goal.

    I can relate to your being a perfectionist and never getting anything done because of being unhappy with the end product. That also stretches to other areas of life with me as well. I ALWAYS think I could have done better. You have embarked on a journey and picked up a few waifs and strays along the way :D

    Before reading your blog my knowledge of writing and writers was non-existent, not much has changed. You planted a seed by giving me an insight as to what could be achieved and a belief grew. I am hardly a fountain of wisdom in this area so my advice is probably worthless but a writers' convention would scare the hell out of me.

    I once commented here 'the more I learn, the less I know' but this of course is a paradox. I simply meant I was learning just how much I didn't know. It could easily have been the end of my writing as I realised how out of my depth I was. Sometimes it is better not to know. If I was Van Gogh or Picasso I would never have let anyone see my paintings but only because my idea of art and other peoples is so different.

    There IS a cheat, or at least I think I have spotted one. With my limited imagination I never thought myself capable of writing fiction but recently I had an idea. Just about everybody in the course of their lives have some pretty unusual or notable things happen. The more bizarre they are the more interesting they become. Why not just take the reality and give it an abstract tilt? I like to read about things that I can relate to, as I would imagine many others do. A story is like a joke it is not necessarily the content that amuses more the delivery.

    The likes of Peter Kay and Billy Connolly are top UK comedians but if you analyse their material they are just making statements on everyday life and situations we all find ourselves in. Anyway this has turned into one of my ramblings and my advice is much simpler.

    1. Let others be the judge of your work - seem to remember someone saying that to me :P
    2. You have a style don't compromise it because of what others say - you could be the next Picasso (in a literary sense).
    3. When you hit a wall, stop (or at least pause a while), sounds obvious. All work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy.
    4. Most important always carry a recording device! I have had so many memories of things which could have been in my manuscript whilst out walking only to forget them again by the time I get home, soooooo frustrating!
    5. And finally, don't take advice from idiots however good my intentions are :P

    1. Hi JP! You know the saying, "Ignorance is bliss"? I guess I could twist it to say "Writing is bliss when you are ignorant"! When I started blogging back in December of last year, I had absolutely NO CLUE as to what I was doing. My journey began as a result of a series of dreams that I simply couldn't get out of my head and those dreams turned into my first picture book stories.

      The longer I hang out with the writers, authors, editors, and publishers in this wonderful writing community, the more I learn...and as you said...the more I discover I have yet to learn. But I enjoy the journey immensely...even when I get frustrated because I want my growth potential as a writer to be on the fast track and the reality is that is needs to go at a snail's pace sometimes so I don't lose the lessons along the way. My best friend tells me I have the patience of JOB where others are concerned, but so little for MYSELF and he's right. That is why I have tried to choose wisely the people who's opinion I will listen to when it comes to my writing voice and trying to improve my writing skills. Not all advice will serve me well and you are right to NOT let anyone CHANGE who you are as a writer...improve and strengthen, YES...change? NO!

      As far as Peter Kay and Billy Connolly...we used to have a FABULOUS commedian in the U.S....George Carlin...who delighted his audience in pointing out the obvious of everyday life in the most astoundingly funny way. You should look up some of his videos on YouTube...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. If you have learned these lessons then you have learned a great deal indeed!

    1. Awww, thanks Karen...I'm trying...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Check out to pick up the Very Inspirational Blogger Award.

    Love and licks,

    1. Awwww, Cupcake...I am honored that you chose me for the Very Inspirational Blogger Award. Make sure to give your mom a special kiss and lick for me as I'm sure she had something to do with helping you choose the recipients for this lovely award...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. Hey Donna,
    Great post! I'm glad I stopped by :)
    As you know from my comment, I am thinking about giving up writing or at least taking a break from it.
    My decision is still up in the air right now. If I do continue, I may just go back to starting at the begining and stick with magazine articles for now. Who knows...My life is chaos right now, so I will have to see how it plays out :)

    1. Hi, Kathy, and welcome to my blog! You don't mention how long you've been writing or what genre or what has happened to make you think about putting down your pen...or stepping away from the computer screen as the case may be. I just know that I let OTHER people...OTHER things interfere with my writing more than 20 years ago and tried to silence the stories in my head for 20 years. I've just returned to my writing last year. No, it hasn't been easy and no, I don't consider myself the next great author...but I now write for the pure JOY of writing...and I'm learning along the way to be kind to read up as much as I can about the technical side of this art form so that I may create the strongest stories I am able. If you ever want to chat about why you are wanting to take a step away from writing, you are welcome to email me at donasdays (at) gmail (dot) com. I would hate to see a writer stop writing because they doubt their ability to do this! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. This is great advice! I read in "Spilling Ink" in the "critique chapter", they said that if the person isn't trying to be helpful, just ignore it. I think that is good advice too.
    PS - Guess who is testing for his black belt on Sunday....ME!!! I will let you know how it goes. I am pretty nervous!

    1. Hi Erik! You know, THAT is really good advice...if the person isn't trying to be helpful, then just ignore it...I will have to remember that!

      OMG! YOU WILL DO AN AWESOME JOB, I JUST KNOW IT!!!! I am so excited for you!! When will you find out the results of your testing? Is your mom going to video tape it so we can see? I want to know when I can start HAPPY DANCING! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. Thanks Ms. Martin! I should find out Sunday evening. The test starts at 9AM and goes for the whole day! And, yes... Mom will be taking videos and pics! :) I am planning to write a blog post about it! :) Thank you for the encouragement! :D

      Thank you Ms. Janet! :)

    3. Okay...the testing is over by now, I'm do you think you did? What exactly did you have to do for your testing? I will cross everything by my eyes until I hear the good news...or READ it as the case may be...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
