
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Are You A Floater Or A Sinker?

Come on everybody...sing it with me:

We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine...

That is, we all do if we call ourselves a writer.  But it's what we do while ON that boat that determines just what type of writer we can call ourselves...

We can be a Floater...

A Floater plays it safe.  Hanging near the surface, they chose simple plots with no depth and hope the surface ripples will trick readers into thinking there's more below the surface.  Writers who choose to float throughout their writing career will always keep land in sight because the fear of the unknown keeps them tethered to their safe place.

Or we can be a Sinker...

Sinkers don't let the safe current keep them stationary.  They take that chance, diving deeper into unknown waters and taking risks with their visions in the hopes they will come up with a treasure to share with the world.

In my heart, I'm a Sinker.  Though I fear the depths at times, life beneath the surface calls to me.  There is an energy there that I can build my stories upon.  A place where I can go to discover the other Sinker spirits around me.  Which are you?  Where will your yellow submarine take you today?


  1. Where have you been hiding that underwater bedroom?

    1. Hi Janet! I guess if I can go throught the tunnel at the acquarium, I could spend the night there, right? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Floater and sinker have a little different connotations this side of the pond. If I had to liken myself to waste products though my concern would be consistency as opposed to buoyancy. I suppose I would be more of a 'bobber', I am always in the poo it's just the depth that varies.

    1. Hi JP! Why am I not surprised you caught that in my blog

      Hey, I wanted to point some friends in the direction of your blog Boyhood and now I can't find it...did you pull it for some reason? Can you give me the link again? Thanks...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. Hi Donna, I've reverted the 'Boyhood' posts back to draft for further revision. As usual I'm not ecstatic with the result and feel it could be presented better. They will reappear quite quickly. The link is but I've had a little break lately.

    3. Okay, JP, I will wait until you are finished with your revisions and let me know I can tell the world about your link...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    4. Just for you Donna I have posted the entire Boyhood story (blog version) on the 'pages' bar of the blog. It will remain accessible but is still undergoing revision.

      Enjoy :)

    5. Awww, JP, I'm I need to run out and tell the world to read your fabulous story...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
