
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I Must Be Fair

When my cat, Tommy (or Tom-tom for short), found out about my tribute to the wonderful Cupcake, he immediately looked at me like I had lost my mind.   As if to say, "surely you realize cats are much smarter than dogs!"  And then I thought about all the wisdom he has shown me over this past year as I become a stronger writer and I knew I must be fair and share some of Tommy's tips to staying on the write track...

Everyone wants to be unique, but sometimes you need to hang out with the other bunnies out there.  That doesn't mean that you don't have your own writer's voice.  It just means that you have to find your niche in a world made up of many others like you...writers with the ambition to become published just like you.  Play well with others and create friendships among the writing community as those friendships will lift you up when your spirit is bruised...but never give up your's what makes YOU so special!

Sometimes you find yourself in a tight spot and you're not sure how you managed to get there.   You can either caterwaul until someone takes pity on you, or you can put your big girl panties on and figure out a solution to your problems yourself.  I find that when I solve my own problems, it feeds my inner warrior and I'm that much stronger to meet the challenges of the day.

But when things are really bad, a hot bath or shower always seem to do the trick.  My astrological sign is Cancer and the ocean calls to me constantly.  Being nestled between two mountain ranges presents a problem, so I get my water treatment whenever and wherever I can.  Tommy on the other hand is NOT a water lover and does not agree...

Sometimes you just have to take a little time out for yourself.  Recharge your batteries.  Rekindle what you loved about writing in the first place.  Step away from the computer and give yourself a chance to come back later renewed and refreshed so that you may look at your works in progress with new eyes and a new spirit.

Tommy and I might not agree on the bath idea, but we both agree on one thing...some things are just WRONG...


  1. Tommy is right. No self-respecting cat would chase his own tail. Not when you can chew on your owner's knuckles.

    1. Oh, Tommy has certainly chewed on his fair share of knuckles and I've even seen him bite his tail a time or two but there was definitely no chasing...he's too lazy to do that!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Ohhh ...your Tommy reminds me so much of my old Cindy when she and Buddy the dog were alive, how she manipulated him, she DEFINATELY wore the!

    1. Hi Diane! I've had my boy, Tommy, for 12 years now and I don't know if I would have survived this long without him! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Tommy is wise - for a cat. I have one thought after reading this post. Mom needs to get me a pair of those overalls. I will look ADORABLE in them!!

    Love and licks,

    1. Hi Cupcake! I bet you would look lovely in overalls. I went on a job interview at JC Penneys once in PURPLE overalls...not only was I hired on the spot, I got promoted to Customer Service Supervisor within six months so I guess the overalls AND my favorite color was pretty lucky for me! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. OMG he's cute! Love the first picture - quite a pose :)

    1. Hi Susanna! Tommy weighs about 18 pounds...his mother, Tasha, weighed about 7 1/2...his half brother, Tomar, weighed about 10 pounds. If Tasha would be lying on my lap, Tommy would get jealous and slowly creep up one of my legs (like I WOULDN'T notice an 18 pound fur ball clawing my leg?) and would ever so slowly shove his own mother off my lap so he could sprawl...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. You crack me up AND give good advice. I'm here checking out your place as invited. We'd love to have you guest blog! I'll email you the details.
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina and welcome to my blog! I am honored that you would like me to guest post on your Life is Good blog. If you get a chance, look around and read some of my other posts. I hope you enjoy them...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. I don't like cats as a rule but when they have a sense of humour I make exceptions like this one.....

    1. Hi JP! I didn't know whether to laugh at that video or say "Awwww...that's just mean!" ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Wonderful post, as usual, Donna! Loved Tommy's tips!

    1. Thanks Annie! You know, for being a cat, Tommy is pretty smart! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. This one is to funny. Yet true in so many ways more than just writing. Thanks for the good read..
