
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Alien Vs Zombie: Which Are You?

Imagine yourself in the middle of a writer's conference.  Look to the left of you.  Now look to the right. I can almost guarantee that the lovely writer on each side of you is either an Alien or a Zombie.  But more importantly...which one are YOU?

Alien writers are smart and creative.  They have to be...just look at the size of their heads!  They take chances and go where no man has gone before.  They explore new planets and invite others to take the journey with them.  In the end, they want everyone to be a part of their world and no one can say they don't live life on the edge!

Zombie writers, on the other hand are slow...of course, they are...just look at all that dead weight they have to carry around!  They are unsure of themselves and take cautious steps out in the world.  They only like hanging out with their other zombie friends and doing whatever it is that zombies dance.  Just what kind of writer existence is THAT?

How about YOU?  For myself, I proudly claim to be an alien!  I want to journey to other worlds, to visit other races and hopefully touch the lives of those who live there with the magic of the written word.  I want all my new alien friends to strike out on this adventure with me, but just in case I get lost, I want to be able to phone home...


  1. I'm actually a werewolf writer. I growl, bark and have been known to bite. But I like a chair by the fire and a pat on the head.

    1. Hi JP! I could have said I was a "pixie" writer, but I will save THAT one for a whole other blog post...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. I want to be an alien, because I certainly love visiting other worlds. At this point I'm slower than I want to be, but I'm trying hard to push myself into high gear.

    1. Hi L.G! You just have to keep in mind that it takes time...whether you are a newbie or returning to writing after many years (like me)...and wouldn't you rather be slower and get things right than hurry it up and make too many mistakes? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Donna, If ET can make it home, I understand you can too. Even with the long tail and big brain, those alien gals seem to have the run-way model figure. Good choice. :)

    1. Hi Manzanita and welcome to my blog! That's funny...I never thought about the model figure before...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. I'm an alien as well. I want to change the world with my writing, one heart at a time. But I also like to dance like a Zombie!

    1. Hi Luana and welcome to my blog! That's how it's done...just like the body at a time...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Hi Donna .. I'd be round about Q - looking left and right askance! I usually fit in somewhere - but it definitely be around the alien world ... experiencing as much as I can. Great post - sadly I can't dance - so Zombies are out for me! Cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary! Well, I can dance but I can't dance like THAT! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. I think I would be an alien. I actually wrote a book about aliens that accidently crash-land on Earth and are from the planet Oarg! I dance, just not that well. The best dancing I do is when I play Just Dance 2, 3 or Kids (never played 1) and I am not the best at those.
    Erik ;)

    1. Hi Erik! Awww, now you make me wish I could read your book! Aliens from Oarg, huh? Pretty cool...and you have plenty of time to perfect your dance moves...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. I'd have to be alien... just looking at the world I can tell that I'm not really from around here. ;)

    I've given you the Kreativ Blogger award. Read more here:

    1. Hi Chris! I KNOW what you mean...;0)

      Wow, thanks for the Kreativ Blogger Award...that makes two in one week...I also received the Versatile Blogger award from Donna McNicol so I MUST be doing something

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. I am a zombie and this morning I look like one.

    1. Lol, Janet..sometimes I feel like what happens after a Zombie and an Alien get in a fight and I'm what's left over...;-)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
