
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A to Z: Omphalopsychite

I must admit when I discovered this word last night, I laughed.  I read the definition...and then I laughed again.  I'm not sure how the whole process works exactly but I understand the concept.  You see, Omphalopsychite means the art of meditation by gazing at a navel.  A navel?  It didn't say navel ORANGE so I must assume it means the OTHER kind of navel.  While I'm not sure how I will divine the answers to the hard questions of life by staring at my belly button, I do understand the idea of a quiet reflection of one's life to make sure things stay on track.

When I returned to my writing after a twenty year hiatus, I decided to minimize the distractions that would tempt me away from my computer.  I turned off my music, I shut down the television, and told my friends that Sundays will find me quietly reflecting on the lives of my characters.  For me, it's a peaceful endeavor and tends to uplift my spirit in order to handle the days ahead.  So if we as writers are suppose to stare at our stomaches in order to hear our writing voices, then all I can say is...gaze on everybody...GAZE ON!

Written by: Sarah Weeks
Illustrated by: Sam Williams
Ages: 3-8
ISBN:  10 0152050469 
Teaser:  Baby likes to throw things...out of the crib, out of the stroller, out the tub...and his friend mouse is cheering him on.  What will the baby throw next and will things settle down in the house?


  1. I can see the analogy. Navels are like the centre of a galaxy. A huge black hole that sucks in the dark matter. It would explain at least the accumulative fluff that gathers therein.

    1. Yeah, JP, navels may be the black hole, but they are also the beginning of life so I'm not sure how I actually feel about this word but it still makes me laugh...;-)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Okay. I've watched my fingernails grow, but never had the urge to stare at my navel. Maybe, I should have. I'll give it some thought. Wait, isn't that the point? Thought? I got it!

    1. Lol, Janet, you are too funny!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Thank you for the morning chuckle - and the new word!

    (Although, I probably won't do any navel-gazing either. I'd probably end up thinking about the ten+ pounds I should lose.)

    1. Hi Tracy! I WISH 10 pounds was all I had to worry about...;-) I'm glad you enjoyed today's post...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. What a fun new word...I may never use it, but it's funny for sure! ;-)

    1. Hi Donna! Use it? Heck, I can't even PRONOUNCE it! Lol...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. I can only wonder where you're getting these words. And please be on my team the next time I get roped into a trivia contest.

    1. Hi Stephen! Ahhh, that's a secret handed down from generation to generation dating waaaaayyyyy back to the Mayflower days....actually it's just a site I stumbled across right before the challenge started...;0)...and as far as trivia goes, it's my sister that you need on your team, not I. She's an absolute whiz at that kind of obscure

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. What a fun post to read. Nice writing too! What a crazy word!

    1. Hi Holly! It's been a real hoot uncovering these words during the challenge and I am glad you are enjoying them as well!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Great word!! Now I have to figure out how to pronounce it! ;)
    PS I just got the news that I am testing for my black belt June 16th!!

    1. OMG, Erik...that is FABULOUS NEWS!!! Now you must send me an email to tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com and tell me exactly what you have to do to pass your test. I hope you aren't nervous and I am SOOO excited for you that I am doing the happy dance right now...can you feel the vibrations from me jumping up and down? Way to go, young man!!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. :) I'm glad you're happy! I'm excited too!! I will email you!

  8. What a cool word, although I'm not sure I want to meditate by staring at a navel. Hehe!

    1. Hi, Cherie, and welcome to my blog! While I'm not too thrilled myself to be staring at my navel....I guess it's better than telling me I have to stare at my behind instead...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Holy moose-poops! I never heard that word but love it! Of course, I can't pronounce it but then again, who needs to if you can use it in a sentence?! Nice to meet you!...:)JP

  10. Hi, JP, and welcome to my blog! I'm glad you liked today's post and don't feel all alone...I can't pronounce that word

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
