
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Calling All Authors...Part Two!

I have gotten such a great response so far with the shout out for autographed children's books (PB, MG, YA fiction and nonfiction), that I thought I would run one more post explaining how I am showcasing and promoting other authors' works as my way of saying thank you for being so supportive in this wonderful writing community!

Some of you have heard about the Children's Festival of Reading that is coming to my city on Saturday, May 19th.  If you haven't, you can check out the link here  I have been invited to have a booth where I am going to showcase any of my author friends who want to send me an autographed copy of their books or anything else they want to autograph...i.e. bookmarks, posters, pictures, etc. as free giveaways. 

I have been receiving packages almost daily and I know some more are on their way, but there is still time to participate if you would like to!  I'm also asking all my readers to help me get the word out to THEIR author friends so that I can have the best booth at the festival!  And if you give this blog post a shout-out, your name will be put in a drawing for some prizes 
( ).  Anyone interested in more information can email me at tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com.  They don't have to be newly published books and e-book authors can autograph bookmarks, posters, postcards, etc for a chance for me to promote their books as well.  

Here is the list of authors so far who have been so generous with their books and swag items:

Susanna Leonard Hill
Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
Salina Yoon
Tammi Sauer
Keiko Kasza
Heather Newman (illiustrator)
Debbie Bernstein LaCroix
Alayne Kay Christian
Genevieve Petrillo
Nancy Smiler Levinson
Diane Dawson Hearn
Sarah Frances Hardy
Vivian Kirkland
Lisa M Cottroll-Bentley
Teagan Bentley
Jan Wade
Lori Degman
Doreen Mcgettigan

I think the festival committee will be quite surprised when I let them know what I'm gonna have at MY booth...;0)


  1. Hi Donna .. sounds like it might be a good day - and what fun to help other authors promote their books via cards, bookmarks etc ..

    Enjoy - especially all those packages arriving at your home .. cheers Hilary

  2. Isn't it wonderful how generous people are. Happy Easter.

  3. Yes, Stephen...I couldn't agree more...especially since it is for the children! Happy Easter to you to, my friend!

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. What a wonderful idea. Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks, Susanne, and the same to you!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. That's quite an impressive list. You are doing a wonderful job Donna. Hope you had a happy Easter break.

    1. I am really pleased with how things are going...there are such wonderful children's book authors out there who are generous with their books and swag items for this great event!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. That's GREAT you are getting so many great items! Did you get my T-shirts I sent in yet? We sent them on the 31st. Hopefully they get there soon!

    1. Yes, Erik, I received them today! They are SOOO cool looking, and I love the fact that you were able to autograph them for the kids...;0)...thank your lovely mother for helping you get them to me!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. You know? The more I hear about authors and writers sticking together and helping each other out, the more amazed I am. People are so quick and eager to help each other (I suppose no-one else looks out for authors so it makes sense). I'd love to help you out...neither of my books are YA or children's though :( What else could I do?

    1. Hi, Susan...well, there is another event I am participating in this summer that you could get in on if you would like. I will be working with my city's Summer Reading Program for children AND adults...where I am creating and supplying prize baskets to the local branches as part of their end of summer reward program for reading. Why type of writing do you do? Maybe you could send autographed copies of any books you have written for this event and get in on the promotions I will be doing later in the summer? If you are interested, just send me an email to tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com and we can figure out how I can help promote YOUR work as well...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. Ohhh, I just hopped over to your blog and now I remember! I love your book cover by the way and it would be a GREAT fit for my adult gift basket for the summer! You could also sign some bookmarks or postcards and I could give them to the branches for additional prizes...;0)...just let me know...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. I think this is a wonderful idea. I don't write in any of those categories, but I am going to let some author friends know about this. What a great idea--and generous on your part!

    1. Thanks, Teresa, for your kind words! Susan (see post above) just reminded me that I am working with my city's public library system this summer to provide them with prize baskets of books for children AND adults who participate in their Summer Reading Program and I would LOVE some adult book authors to join in! If you are interested, just send me an email to tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com and we can figure out a way for me to maybe help promote YOUR work as well. And thanks for helping to spread the word...I will add your name to the prize hat!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Done, tweeted and sent a message to an MG author friend. :-)

    1. YOU are an angel, Teresa...thank you, thank you, thank you! I've added your name to the hat...good luck!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  10. Hi Donna, that is a great idea, I don't have any book published yet, but forwarding this to my author friends :-)

  11. Hi, S.J., and thank you so much for helping me get the word out! I have added your name to the prize hat! ;0)

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  12. HI Donna, the lovely Teresa let me know about what you are doing. I'd love to participate - I'll send you an email.

    1. Hi, Melissa, and welcome to my blog! I would LOVE for you to participate and I will look for your email...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. Donna - my email was returned undeliverable - I must have done something wrong and now I'm looking for it here on your blog and don't see it. Can you give it to me and I'll zip you a note :D

    3. Sorry, Melissa...I had a hacker mess with my Yahoo and Facebook accounts on Thursday which made things a bit of a mess but it appears things are back to normal. Please try email address is tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) should be under the "About Me" tab...I'm sorry for the inconvenience...;0(

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  13. I would have dearly liked to have contributed in some way, is there still time? Been pretty tied up lately but my head is buzzing with scenarios for your teasers (I wonder if my interpretation is ever anywhere near the actual story) which I will address this coming week.

    1. Hi, JP! I've missed your comments and was afraid you had gone into hiding for some reason...;0)
      No, there is still time to you have a published children's book...i.e. traditional or online...that you would like me to promote for you? My booth covers children's picture books, board books, middle grade books, and youth adult books. Any autographed items like the books, bookmarks, postcards, posters, etc will be part of my FREE giveaway and any other type of items...pencils, stickers, magnets, etc that isn't autographed will be on the table for the kiddies to pick up just for stopping by. Just send me an email to tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com with what you are wanting to send and I will get you the mailing address to get the items to me. I am kinda running out of time though...need to have the items to me by the end of this month so I can include it in my advertising/marketing...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. LOL should know me better than that, never have been able to keep my big mouth shut. Circumstances have made blogging low priority atm which is a shame because I do sort of enjoy it. Writing is very new to me and I haven't had anything published apart from one or two letters to papers or magazines. It is a dream of mine to maybe get something published one day if only to have put my mark on the planet.

      I can offer some novelty items from this side of the water though such as the likes of post cards, pencils, and other small items with England or London on them. Perhaps there is something specific? Be glad to help.

  14. Awww, JP , I think it is so kind of you to offer to send items from over there, but I am only promoting items from children's book authors and I wouldn't have anywhere to display them...;-(

    Maybe one day soon you will have a published book of your own and I can promote it for you another time?

    I hope you are able to get back to your writing soon because you are a talented writer with much to share with the world!

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
