
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Who You Looking At?

I woke up this morning, eager to sit down at my computer and write today's post.  But there was a problem.  My muse was copping an attitude.  Staring back at me from the blank screen as if to say WHO YOU LOOKING AT?  He didn't feel like talking to me and I knew I might be in trouble.

So I argued with my muse.  He wanted to know why I'm always coming to him for the answers to my writer's questions?  Why did I always expect HIM to be the one to bring order to chaos?  Why can't I, for once, do this writing thing on my own?

Then my muse laughed at me.  Thought he was in control of my writer's fate.  I knew I had to teach him a lesson.  So I pulled out the big guns.  I told my muse that I had been working hard on learning how to be the best writer I can be.  That I had the wisdom of others who came before me and the support of writer friends all around me as I traveled this path to publication.  While I wanted my muse with me,  I was still willing to go this way all alone because I had faith in my own ability to stay true to my dreams.  I stood strong and let him know that I could do this!

Suddenly, my muse didn't feel so confident.  He knew he couldn't trick me into doubting myself.  There was even a risk that he would be kicked to the curb and some other muse might take his place.  As he looked at me with those big brown eyes I knew who was the victor.  We both had learned a lesson today, and there was only one more thing I had to say to him before I sat down to write.

Don't make me come over there...


  1. Donna, your post made me laugh this morning. I 'm glad I am not the only one who talks to her muse! Way to kick the WDS- happy writing.

    1. Someone just informed me that muses are only not only do I have an attitude copping muse, I've got one that's gender confused as'm glad I made you smile...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by, Cheryl, and come back any time!

  2. Give me the puppy.And tell your muse to enjoy the time off.

    1. I'm giving my muse the weekend off but things better start hopping come Monday! ;0)

      Thanks, Janet, for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Way to pull out the big guns! Sometimes it has to be done :•)

    1. And I didn't even need to karate-chop him! Lol...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Nice blog. I intend to have a sit down talk with MY creative muse.

    1. Thanks, Stephen for your kind words. Let me know if I need to come over and kick some muse butt...;0)

      I'm glad you stopped by and come back any time!

  5. Just one question....

    You're not schizophrenic are you?

    I just ask because at one point in time I thought I was but I am in two minds about it now :)

    1., JP, I'm not THAT bad off, although my best friend tells me I'm the weirdest person he's ever met...hahaha...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. When I scrolled down to those camels, I burst out laughing. Thanks for brightening the day!

    1. I try, Richard, I try! By the way, I just received a notice that you signed up to "follow" me through Wordpress. I'm not exactly sure how these things go, but I have a Wordpress acct that I'm not exactly doing anything with right now (mainly because it's a bit confusing to figure everything out and I don't have the extra time right now) so my blog is actually done through Blogger and I didn't know if you would get any prompts if I post HERE and you are "following" me OVER THERE? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Laughed out loud at this post..... "heres' looking at you kid!" ... comes to mind...LOL. I talk like crazy in my head and sometimes can be noticed by my

    1. I'm glad this post made you laugh...I did too when I saw the camel and the baby...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
