
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Time For Another Giveaway!

Okay everybody, are you ready for Spring? I am and you know why?  Because it's time for another giveaway on my blog!  That's right...I had so much fun with the last giveaway during the Winter that I just might make this a seasonal event!  I'm rolling up my sleeves and getting ready to have some more fun.  Are you with me?

Let's get down to business about the giveway...what it is, what you have to do to enter, what you are going to get when you win...and YOU WILL WIN!!  A lot of you know by now that my city is hosting a Children's Festival of Reading on Saturday, May 19th.  And you also may know that I was invited to have a booth there, so I came up with a creative way to help out all my lovely new friends in this writing community.  Traditional, Indie, and E-book authors are sending me their autographed books and autographed swag items so that I may showcase them at my booth for my giveaway items.  So far 12 lovely authors have agreed to send me 30 of their books but I'm greedy...I want to help even MORE authors get the word out about their wonderful stories!

That is where YOU come in!  From now until April 15th, anyone who would like to show their support for all the wonderful authors out there by helping me get the word out about my booth will get the chance to win one of four prizes.  Here is what you do:

Give a shout-out about this event and encourage authors or illustrators to get in contact with me so I can help promote their book(s).  Tie this link to a blog post, Twitter tweet, Facebook status update...however you would like to do it...and then leave a comment here or send me an email to tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com letting me know you did so I can put your name in the hat for the drawings.

Anyone willing to help me get the word out will get to pick from the following prizes:

1.  Writing Picture Books by Ann Whitford Paul.  If more than one person would like this book, then I will put all names in a hat and draw the winner.

2.  You Can Write Children's Books by Tracey E. Dils.  If more than one person would like this book, then I will put all names in a hat and draw the winner.

3.  A creative blog post or interview by me.  I know I'm not famous but maybe you need a filler for your blog and I could help you out.

4.  A critique on a manuscript up to 1000 words.  Again, I must confess it would not be a "professional" critique but I have been writing for over 40 years and have been reading for longer than that and the one thing I DO know...I have an opinion of what is good writing...;0)

There you have it.  My Springtime giveaway and just maybe a way to draw more authors works to a fabulous event.  I am willing to do all the hard work promoting because it's the only way I can think of to express my gratitude for the friendship and loving support I have received from this wonderful writing community.  So, all I need to know is...who will help me shine the spotlight on some terrific children's book authors out there?


  1. I have just posted on my personal FB, and my author page (the author page post will automatically go to my Twitter). The Twitter will need to be done again (and again) as tweets go by so quickly. I'll try for mornings for a while.

    1. Thanks, Beth, you are always so supportive of everyone! I really hope that what I am trying to accomplish will help those authors choosing to participate in this great event!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Excellent prizes for a great cause, Donna!

    1. Thank you, Susanna. I hope it might entice some people to help me get the word out...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. I am currently writing an autobiographical account of my schooldays. It is way too dark to be considered a children's book as the focus is on prejudices and bullying but it is something I would like older teens to read so they can maybe understand and empathise with victims of this all too common phenomenon.

    There is a children's book I have had in mind for some time which I may be able to submit depending on the cut off date.

    Irrespective of that I would be interested to hear what you think of my story so far on I could send you a selection of future chapters to give you a better idea of where the story goes. The story is largely complete although much of it is still on draft.

    The children's book is by contrast fictitious and not at all objectionable but I like to include surreptitious messages and morals into the writing. Perhaps it is time to put it out there but the autobiography currently accounts for my free time.

    1. I do understand the challenges of finding the time to work on several WIP at the same time...or having to choose which one will benefit from your precious time. I do not claim to be able to provide a professional critique of anyone's work but I certainly am opinionated about what I consider strong writing and would be honored to read anything you might want to send me. You must tell me what you would like to get from my reading your material...i.e. did I like it? what I might not have liked? any suggestions or ideas that come to mind? My email address is tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com. Good luck with your writing...don't give up!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. What a great cause! I just tweeted. I will also post on my blog and facebook :)

    1. Awww, thank you Erik! I have entered your name in the contest. If you win you will get to decide which prize you would like to go for...good luck! I'm honored that you are now following my blog.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Oh drat! I gave a shout out on my blog earlier with your interview but not linked back to your blog.... oh hang on yes I did.... will that count? Will definately do a post of my facebook page for you of course. Another! (although I am happy not to win anything as I live too far for people to keep posting out my way) thanks anyway Donna, you do a marvelous job.

    1. Thank you, Diane, for your kind words and yes, that DOES count! ;0)

      I'm glad you stopped by and come back any time!

  6. Just Tweeted and FB'd your blog post link.

    1. Thanks, Susanne, for helping me get the word out about the festival! I've added your name to the prize drawing...

      I'm glad you stopped by and come back any time!

  7. Hi Donna,
    So happy we have connected. I am mailing out two copies of Show Me How! this morning...along with some bookmarks...not sure if they will be helpful. :)
    I plan to add a mention of this in my Friday blog post...also on Sunday...and I will definitely Tweet and post on my FB and anything else I can do to get the word out.
    Sounds like an awesome event...I know you will have a ball!

    1. I'm so happy you are going to be able to participate in the Children's Festival of Reading! Of course I will be able to use the bookmarks...hopefully you have autographed them as well but either way they will be put to good use and I will add your name to the hat for the prize drawings...;0)...thank you for helping me get the word out!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
