
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Let Your Words Soar!

I have always been one of those types of writers that was very descriptive in my writing.  I'm tied to my emotions and my visual prompts to help direct where my words should lead me.  They almost never stay on the page once I get going.

They usually pile up inside my head, just waiting to come out and play.  Mumbled, jumbled words that can lead me on a merry chase somewhere in the vicinity of a strong story line.  But I don't want to settle for just a strong character base and engaging plot.

I want my writing to be so electrifying that the words tremble to jump off the page.  My words need to reach for the stars.  To be strong enough to grab hold of the reader and take them along for the ride.

Because if, as a writer, I do my job right, my story will be forever etched in the hearts and minds of my readers and only then will my words truly soar!


  1. Love that last picture of the birds flying out of the book.

    1. My goodness, Stephen, this blog post was barely off the presses and you are already reading a faithful follower you are!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. So true, Donna! And I agree with Stephen - love that last pic!

    1. Yep, love that picture...saw it and KNEW it would be part of today's post...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Hi, Donna! This is an inspiring and motivating post. It's so true! If you write from what's inside you and are honest in your writing, your words will soar. If you love it, chances are 100% that someone else will love it, too! :)

    1. I couldn't agree more, Laura!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. another trait you and I share..... being very descriptive. :-)

    1. Diane, I just think we must have been sisters in another lifetime...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Hello, i am a journalist, i journal, many of my journalings have become songs on my CD's (blues music both Chicago and acoustic). I am at the crossroads waiting for the motivation to start my next Wordpress blog. Current one:
    Lyric Life would be the title. I googles words flying off paper and your site came up. Very cool. Are the pics of words public domain or art you created and protected?

    If public, where are more for I will not dishonor your art by taking what is yours.
    Isn't this inane, well, we search, we see, we write, we hope, we are Worders, people who word, as well as attempt to live in the Word, well, I do anyway.
    That's it. Long way to go to ask about your pics huh?
    joe juliano

    1. Hello Joe and welcome to my blog! All my pictures on my blog except for the ones of my home or writing study are ones I found through Google images. I just create a blog post theme and then search the web until I come across a picture that speaks to me. It usually takes about 10 minutes and the words flow from there...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
