
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Calling All Authors!

Some of you have heard about the Children's Festival of Reading that is coming to my city on Saturday, May 19th.  If you haven't, you can check out the link here  I have been invited to have a booth where I am going to showcase any of my author friends who want to send me an autographed copy of their books or anything else they want to autograph...i.e. bookmarks, posters, pictures, etc. as giveaways.  This is my way of saying thanks for the friendship and support I have felt since becoming a part of this wonderful writing community.

Authors spend a lot of time networking and thinking of ways to let the world know their stories are out there and waiting to be read.  But authors can't be everywhere at once.  Susanna Leonard Hill had a fabulous idea to send her book, April Fool Phyllis, on a world tour and now Phyllis has become a real globe trotter.  You can read more about Phyllis on Susanna's blog  I'd like to see other stories come to my fair city and show our children a good time!

If you can't actually be on stage to promote your own books, then why not let someone do it who cares about your stories almost as much as you do?  If there is one thing I have learned about this writing community,  it's that everyone is extremely supportive of each other's efforts.  A great story is still a great story no matter who writes it.

I don't have a book to offer the world...yet...but that doesn't mean I can't promote the written word of other authors.  So here I am saying, "CALLING ALL AUTHORS"!  How about sending your books on a little trip?  The children are waiting to meet you!


  1. This is fantastic, Donna! What a generous thing for you to do, to promote other authors in this way. I can hardly wait to hear about the event when it happens!

    1. I'm glad you think so, Beth, but in all honesty I don't think of it that way. All these wonderful authors are helping ME make my booth the awesome place to be at the festival! I have 9 authors so far letting me know they want to participate, but I say the more the if anyone wants to help me get the word out, I'm certainly not going to turn it

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Donna, this is a GENIUS idea. Gosh, I can't wait until I get the chance to do this. To both offer my author friends publicity help as well as take you up on your fine offer.


    1. Kelley, this is the first time I have been invited to participate, although I went last year as a spectator and had a blast! And don't day I will be showcasing two books...yours AND mine...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. This is extremely generous of you. Keep us abreast of this emdeavor!

    1. As I told Beth, I don't see it that way but thanks, Pam, for your kind words! I plan on writing a couple of posts along the way before the event to let everyone know who will be participating and then a post after the event. If I can figure out my phone, I might upload pictures to my FB page the day of...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Wonderful idea, and very generous of you Donna, love to know how it went.

    1. Lol...thanks, Diane, for your kind words...but as I have said before, I don't see this as generous on my part as much as I do being honored to support such wonderful writing talent from this community! This is a huge event in this part of the country and why not help showcase great children's books? It's the least I can do for all the friendship and support that everyone has shown me...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. You're too awesome to do this for others, Donna!
    Can't wait to hear more about this event :~])

    1. Awesome? Lol...I don't know about that, LJ, but I thank you for your kind words anyway! I will be creating a few more posts before the event to let everyone know which authors are participating and a post afterwards. If I can figure out my iPhone, I might even upload pictures the day of the event to my FB page...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. What a great idea! The festival looks like a lot of fun. Looking forward to posts before and after the event.

    1. Thanks, Eric! Do you realize that I am receiving swag from e-book authors as well? I would LOVE to be able to promote YOUR book if you think you will have anything to give away that you could get to me by April 25th? Bookmarks, posters,'s completely up to you, but I say the more the merrier!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. I have been reading and loving children's books since I was three years old.(That comes out to be 51 years). I will be at the fair. When you get your books published, I will be at that fair,too.

    1. Thanks, Janet...I suspect you will probably be the first one to ask for my autograph WHEN I get a book published...;0)...and I'm sure I will see you at the festival!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. This is such an amazing thing you're doing, Donna - for kids and authors! :) And personally, I find it much easier to promote the work of other authors than I find it to promote my own! So when you get your first book published, let me know so I can toot your horn for you in return :)

    1. Awww, how kind of you to offer to do that for me, Susanna, but that's not why I'm doing this. It's about the kids. Our school is in an area that is generally poor to begin with, and with the downturn of the economy, this area has been especially hit hard in some ways. Parents are struggling. They are either too stressed to be involved with their children's reading or struggle with their own reading skills and get frustrated with reading in general. I read to kids at the elementary schools and have a fully expanded reading program in the Summer Adventure Camp I run at my school. I've created an annual Toy/Book Swap Meet during my summer camp where children get to trade and discuss great books and the kids LOVE it! This festival participation is just my way of supporting and promoting the incredible work YOU and other great authors do to help the children!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. What a wonderful way to connect readers with books. Wish I had a book to send. Maybe next year.

    1. Thank you, Sally. This festival is held every year in May as a "kick off" to the summer reading program.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  10. Donna this is fabulous. I wish I had a book to send you. Good Luck! I know you are going to have a wonderful time.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl...I had a blast attending last year...the only downside to participating in this year's festival is that I won't get to see any of the other exhibits unless I sneak over to the authors booths during a potty

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  11. Awesome! I shared your post and will try to get you something.

    1. Awww, Miranda, thank you! I am honored that you would try to help out like that! I feel this festival is a great way for other authors to showcase their wonderful stories without having to travel to the event...just let ME do all the work...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  12. What a generous thing to do, Donna! I would love to send you books!

    1. Hi Anne, and thanks for stopping by! I think we are playing email tag...;0)...I was sending you an email when I got yours...

      It is so exciting to see so many authors wanting to participate...but the more the merrier I say!

      Have a great day and come back any time!

  13. Fabulous idea. Don't have a book, but how do authors get their book to you or to the event. Also asked the Q on the Hub page. Enjoyed your interview this morning with Diane.

    1. Thanks, Patricia! I answered your question on the hub page but will answer here as well. Any author (traditional, indie, e-book) or illustrator who wants to join the fun at the festival just needs to email me at tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com and let me know what they want to send. I will give them my mailing address and details of how I am going to be able to promote their stories at my booth. I have about a dozen authors/illustrators so far sending me everything from autographed books to autographed bookmarks, autographed posters, etc. for participation in the giveaway.

      Hope this answers your question...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  14. What a great idea!!! My book is out in ebook only right now, but I did order large postcards of the cover and can autograph those and send them to you. My book, Veiled Virtues is a YA romantic fantasy. I will email you for the deets. Thank you!!!

    1. Hopefully, you have received my email by now with the details of where to send your postcards. Thank you for wanting to participate in the Children's Festival of Reading. I am honored to help promote your book!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  15. Hi Donna,

    This is great. Below is the link of my upcoming book, which is going to be released soon. I will be glad if you could promote the book at your festival.

    Warm regards.

    1. Welcome, Nonso, to my blog! I followed your link and read about Rita...what a fascinating story! I would LOVE to be able to promote your book at my booth, but I have a couple of questions. Do you have an actual autographed copy of your book that you could send me? And if you don't have a book, maybe you have bookmarks or some other item associated with your book that you could autograph and send to me? The reason why I ask is because the autographed items are for a free prize giveaway at my booth. In return for the autographed items, I will promote the authors through my marketing and advertising. If you do have an autographed item you could provide for the festival, just send me an email to tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com and I will provide the mailing address where you would need to send the item. I would be honored for you to join the other authors who will be participating.

      Thanks for stopping by and please come back any time!

  16. Hi Donna,
    It's lovely to meet you...I read the post about the Book Fair on Pat Tilton's blog today.
    I love what you are the fair and in the schools. I volunteer one day a week, reading classic picture books and doing a related craft project with our local kindergarten classes.
    I will email you with the info about my book...not sure if it is appropriate for your is a book for parents and teachers of children ages pinpoints 100 picture books every young child should hear and provides a story summary, parenting tip, eco-friendly craft project and child-friendly healthful cooking activity for each recommended title.
    I'd be happy to donate a couple of autographed books. :) You can see the info about my book at
    You can get to my parenting blog from there as well.

    1. Hi, Vivian, and welcome to my blog! I just sent you a reply to your email but let me say it here as well...I would LOVE to have your book as part of the Children's Festival of Reading event! The festival focuses on the children but it is a great resource for parents as well so of course your book would fit right in! And if you are interested in helping me get the word out, I will drop your name in the hat for my free more about it here...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  17. Hi Donna,
    I'm a UK children's author, with currently one or two (I think) books co-editioned in the US, and I've been sent this link by one of my illustrators, Claudia, who lives in Israel. I'm London-based, which makes a very interesting three-way connection!I'm impressed by your enterprise, and would love to be part of it, but mailing signed books from the UK is not a practical proposition.
    However, six of my children's books are now available as e-books in the Kindle Store, and, excitingly, I've recently published a story with no publisher-backing - DRAGONCAT. Do take a look, and please visit my website at
    It is, I believe, possible to do online autographs (I've been approached by a Spanish publisher regarding this). Anyway, good luck with the festival - it sounds amazing. (Had a quick look at your personal website too, and it's glorious - congratulations!)

    1. Hi, Enid, and welcome to my blog! Please send me an email at tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com explaining the "online autograph" concept in further detail. Maybe there is a way to incorporate THAT into my booth? Right now authors from outside the US are sending me signed book marks as a way to participate at the booth and that way I can have something tangible to promote their online books. Is this possible for you? Just a thought...

      Thank you for your kind words about these sites...I put a lot of work into them and it's nice to know other people like them as well...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  18. Having heard about this from Patricia Tilton I think like those before me that you are brilliant and generous and would also like to participate in this. My book will barely be published by the cut off date and I would like to send you postcards or book marks instead with the data on them and the fun autograph, too. I will email you at the above address. My book will be an eversion and a print version and kids can download an audio also. It is called "Annie's Special Day" and is for kids aged kindergarten to seven. I hope I qualify. Thanks so much for everything. :)

    1. Of course, Clare, you qualify! I have replied to the email you sent me and we will figure out a way for you to join in the fun!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  19. Hi Donna,
    I received your information from my friend Pamela Courtney who showcase myself and several other children's book authors on her blog and live radio show last week. Pamela's blog is "MyLMNOP Reads to kids".
    This is such a fantastic idea promoting other authors and especially from all over the world. Your idea is unique has to go down in history for being one of the most selfless acts of kindness ever! Donna, people like you and Pam rock!!! Thank you for inviting me to be apart of such a momentous occasion. My autographed book, book marks and post cards are on there way!

    Thank you,
    Kind Regards,
    Barbara Drawhorn

    1. Hi Barbara!

      I'm posting my official reply, even though I think I've already replied to you via email. Thank you for wanting to participate and I will be looking for your package to arrive at my doorstep...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
