Friday, January 20, 2012

Mirror, Mirror, What Do I See?

I'm sure we all did it.  When I was a child I used to look at myself in the mirror and wonder who I would be when I go up.  As a child and then later as a teenager, I was obsessed with animals.  Over the years there were many animals around my house including the usual cats and dogs as well as sea horses, turtles, quail, rabbits, and even a wild pigeon I captured all by myself and taught to ride on my shoulder as I biked to the grocery store.   I looked into that mirror and just KNEW I would be a veterinarian one day.

As an adult, looking into that mirror became a bit more difficult.  Things weren't as clear cut to me any more, and I questioned the path on which I found myself.  I had been writing since I was about 8 years old and I had always dreamed of writing books for children one day.  By the time I was in my late 20's, I was still writing but allowed other people or other things to get between me and the goal I had in my mind.    I began to allow what others thought of my writing to influence how I felt about myself.  Doubts crept in.  Fear of being good enough lurked in the corners of my mind.

One day I looked into the mirror and could no longer see the writer in me.  The passion for the written word had been silenced by the hurtful words of others.  I lay down my pen and walked away from that dream for over 20 years.  I thought it would be simple to choose another life for myself and pursued many other interests over those years in the hopes I could fill in the missing pieces of my spirit with something else.  Anything else.  

Surprisingly enough, I discovered one thing to bring me back from the edge of nothingness.  Martial arts.  The training I have received in TaeKwonDo over the past ten years, along with the bond I have forged with my best friend and chief instructor,  has helped to give me back my life.  After more than 20 years, I have a passion for living once again and this allows me to take another peek at the mirror.  This time with confidence and curiosity.

What if I have the ability to change what I see before me?  What if I really AM capable of returning to my first love?  I make a promise to myself then and there to NEVER silence the writer in me again.  To seek out the positive energy in others, like myself, who feel compelled to write.  To do that which enriches my spirit and challenges me to become a stronger version of that girl who first looked at her reflection all those years ago.

Today I look in my mirror and dare to dream again about being a writer.  Of one day seeing my words in the hands of some other young lady and hopefully those words will encourage her to dare to dream as well.  I just need to make sure that I don't overdo it...


  1. I know exactly what you mean and have been through this process of changing perceptions of myself too. I too found something in my life that helped me to believe in myself again (losing 145+ lbs), and have decided to go after my dream of being a published author once more.

    1. Oh, moonduster, I am absolutely THRILLED for your success with your weight loss goals! And it is never too late to dream! Thanks for stopping by...come back any time!

  2. I look in the mirror and see my grandmother. I have a good laugh then I walk away. I am still keeping my writing to myself. So far, the only one who hasn't discouraged me is my sister.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Janet! I don't think every piece of writing is written with the public in mind. Journaling for instance, typically isn't written with the hopes that someone is looking over your shoulder and hanging on your every

    There are all types of writers just as there are all types of readers and I say if you have the need inside you to write, then do it without any hesitation and live for the reward itself of having written!

    Come back any time!

  4. Thank you for this post. I know exactly how you feel - I also let life get in the way of writing for many years, and have only just come back to my first dream. Reading your post, I could relate and it was great knowing I wasn't alone in feeling this way.

    1. Thanks, Melissa, for stopping by! I hate the fact you went through the same thing, but I'm happy to hear that you have returned to your roots in writing! Come back any time!

  5. I'm so glad you're able to look in the mirror and see a writer now! Because you are one, and she was inside you all along, waiting for the chance to shine.

    P.S. My word verification was actually a word. "Conform." I refuse to conform! That's too limiting! ;-)

    1. Thanks, Beth, for your kind words. This will probably sound weird, but I look at my blog archive and find it hard to believe that I have written so many posts...and then I re-read some of those posts and again find it hard to believe that I actually wrote them because I believe they are strongly written "essays" if you will. If I have a writer in me that lay hidden all these years, she sure is trying to get out now! Lol...

  6. Good for you Donna! I for one am pleased you came back to writing now. Look at all these lovely posts!
    I had hit a small dark patch late last year, but something else came along that encouraged me to keep going, and its that I look to.

  7. I, too, am glad you are back among the writing! Too long our voices have been's time to come out and play!

    Thanks for stopping by...come back any time!
