Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The TIGGER In All Of Us

Are you a TIGGER?

Or are you an EEYORE?

People who hang around me long enough quickly realize that I am a TIGGER kind of gal!  

Yep, that person that hops out of bed each morning raring to see what the day brings and who can't wait to get out to explore this great big world we live in.  And the cool thing about it is that I manage to do it without the aid of caffeine, niccotine, alcohol, or any other mood inhancing "props"!  I always have been one of those people that sees the glass as half full instead of half empty.

I also believe writers can have two ways of approaching their work.  They can bounce with the confident eagerness of Tigger, or they can wrap their doubts around themselves like Eeyore.  Either choice can affect not only their mindset, but their creativity as well.

My best friend says I'm one of those people he laughs at while he's driving around...you know the ones I'm talking about...their windows are rolled up and their heads are bobbing, fingers snapping to the music coming from the radio.  I sometimes go one step further and even think up dance routines I can do in my head while I'm playing my favorite tunes.  Goofy I know, but that "inner Tigger" is bouncing to get out!

I figure I have two choices to make while stuck in the car.  I can either be like all the other "canned tuna" around me who frown as they drive...worrying about how much STUFF is left on their desk, wondering if they going to be late, maybe even trying to multi task while they drive...makeup, hair, cell phone, a cup of java, that McDonalds biscuit half eaten.  They stress over the POSSIBILITY of what the new day holds so much that they can't even enjoy their morning drive.  

That is not so very different from the writer who wonders if they will ever come up with a great story line, or maybe they worry their main character isn't  "likable" enough, or what if they don't hear from that publishing house this week about their latest submission?  They spend so much negative energy wondering about the "what ifs" that they barely have time to enjoy the "what is".

The TIGGER in me is simply happy to be alive, thrilled that I have the freedom to CHOOSE how I am going to greet today, and eagerly looking for ways to improve my writing skills.  Each day allows me to embrace my creativity and approach my writing with a "child like" eagerness to make the most of the time I have doing something I love.  It's just my job to keep my eyes and heart open to all the wonderful possibilities out there.

What about YOU?  Are you greeting each day with YOUR Tigger by your side...hand in hand to embrace each new day...a chance to meet new friends...a time to infuse your writing with Tigger energy?  Or do you tell Tigger to stay home...that you have no time today to be creative...that you would rather worry and stress and stew in your own frustrations?  

The choice is yours.  Why not crank up the radio and do the "Tigger dance"?  It wouldn't hurt and who knows?  Others may start to wonder why you are having all the fun and join in!


  1. I'm an Eeyore most mornings . Your writing has pulled the Tigger in me to the surface.

  2. Thank you, Donna! I've been learning to be more of a Tigger, but my inner Eeyore was coming to the fore this morning (working on revamping/renewing/somethinging my blog)... Your enthusiasm and encouragement is prompting the inner Tigger to bounce ol' Eeyore out of the way! (Hmmm... I used to have an Eeyore figurine because I identified strongly with him. it's time for the new Beth to have a Tigger figurine on her desk!)

  3. I'm definitely both being capricorn I'm part giddy goat, serious climbing mountain goat and part fishes tail. So I need to through my fish back in the sea and act the goat :)

  4. Beth, I love Eeyore as he is just a gentle soul but my energy is more along the line of Tigger...besides, I would love to learn how he bounces on that tail of his and never falls over! ;0)

  5. Lol, Catherine...yeah, the goat will definitely aid you in your climb to the mountain top...not too sure about the fishie...;0)

  6. LOL...what a cool post. I would have regarded myself as a bit of a Eeyore, as I need my coffee fix to face the working day. But since the writers challenge and PiBoldMo I have gotten up earlier (first for me) and enjoyed my writing *sessions* maybe its the Tigger coming out.... I know I sing in the car (no one can hear me there...)lol.

  7. Methinks I shall join the ranks of my fellow Tiggers!

    Great post.

  8. Diane, as Darth Vadar would have us think, there is a "dark side" in all of us so I have to admit there are moments when my own Eeyore raises his pretty blue head, but usually Tigger is still bouncing circles around him cuz that's what Tiggers do best! ;0)

  9. Thanks, Deborah! I believe there can never be enough Tiggers in the world so welcome aboard! Thanks for stopping by...come back any time!

  10. I am mostly Tigger most of the time, but I confess Eeyore has been known to sneak in from time to time, especially when writing isn't going well. How nice to have you around to bounce us back in place if we slide :)

  11. Thanks, Susanna! I guess I think it's better to talk to all of YOU than to simply talk to MYSELF...people have been carried away for far less than that! ;0)

  12. I love Tigger! T-I double Geh -ER!!

    I am a Tigger at heart, through and through. Sometimes.. I can be a Rabbit though. :(

  13. Hi E.D. and thanks for stopping by! Funny, but there have been moments in my life when all I wanted to be was Piglet and hide in my little house with the shades drawn, but that seems another life...lol...

    Come back and visit any time!
